A: Your address
information may be entered in such a way that the RecDesk software does not
recognize your residency. Please double
check your user information, for any of the issues below:
A: It may be that you are a resident of Oakland County and NOT Oakland Township.
If after making any of the above changes and still being told you are a non-resident, please email knewton@oaklandtownship.org or parks@oaklandtownship.org or call 248-651-7810 M-F between 8:00am – 4:30pm and a staff person will be happy to help resolve the issue.
A: The program may be full
A: You may not be a resident of Oakland Township. Non-residents are eligible to register three weeks prior to the start of the program.
A: This indicates that your residency status (resident or non-resident) and fee type (resident or non-resident) do not match. Please double check that your residency and fee selection are the same.
A: If you are NOT a resident of Oakland Township, you may be attempting to register before the non-resident registration window opens.
A: If you are a resident of Oakland Township, please verify that the RecDesk registration software has recognized your address as being in Oakland Township. (See FAQ above for more help with residency issues)